Succeed and achieve with dedicated project support

Upgrade your project with IT project outsourcing

Projects may often require additional help. When these expand to become broader responsibilities, it can become a burden to your organisation. For many companies, hiring additional team members may be a viable option but could prove a long-term liability.

IT project outsourcing is an increasingly viable investment for many companies seeking cost-effective enhancements to their team efforts. Outsourced teams bring rich expertise with internationally recognised qualifications and are specialised to champion any IT project.

Economical, and easily accessible, these squads of professionals consistently provide crucial ability and support. With these teams located nearby, expect a complete understanding between one another. With IT teams, your projects are in safe hands.

Benefits of IT Project Outsourcing

Uncover the world of technical expertise, right at your organisation's doorstep.

What is Possible?

Discover how an outsourced team can upgrade your organization's capabilities.

Boosted Productivity

Reduced Burn Rate

World-class Talent

Why is IT Project Outsourcing Popular?

Countless organisations can now mitigate the rising costs of IT services across the world. With outsourced software development, companies can boost their abilities with ease and flexibility. Slash your hiring costs with scalable expert IT solutions.

Communication is central to ensuring team’s effectiveness. That’s why, with close geographical proximity, nearshoring teams operate in time zones near you. And with good cultural affinity, companies can expect no linguistic barriers between head office, and their IT teams.

With world-class IT talent, organizations have no limit to the complexity of their projects.

How to Choose an IT Partner?

By identifying your problem areas, you can present your needs to a potential IT provider. Be sure that your prospective IT company has:

  • The abilities to complete your requirements.
  • Good command of the English language.
  • Possibility to communicate regularly, and within your business hours.

When selecting from possible partners, take care to look for a reputed organisation, with proven experience in addressing similar needs. Don’t forget to speak to their representatives.

Nearshoring vs Offshoring

When beginning your cooperation, it is essential to identify your needs as an organisation. You may opt for one of two IT Outsourcing models, as distance and closeness play a key role.

The once-common model is project Offshoring. This is the practice of moving business operations to far-away destinations. In this case, an offshored project or department operates in a different time zone, language, and cultural landscape. It is this instance that many organisations associate with IT project outsourcing in general.


Nearshoring, modern variant of IT project outsourcing, offers considerable benefit from the traditional norm. Here, companies outsource operations to countries close to their headquarters’ or main branches. Close distance plays a significant role, as it emphasises the similarities in cultures and language – streamlining working relationships.

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The Cost of IT Project Outsourcing

Outsourced IT team

When making a cost assessment for your prospective team, it is essential to outline a budget. Outsourced IT teams offset many of the costs of hiring a full-time IT expert in-house. Additionally, for many organisations, hiring a group of local in-house IT engineers may not be an effective solution to modern IT demands. Thankfully, the cost of outsourcing software development is limited only to the needs of the organisation. There are no runaway costs associated with outsourced IT teams, due to a highly-flexible and scalable model of departments. The cost of attaining this support is representative of the number of hired experts. This way, organisations can deal away with unnecessary staff expenditures during low periods. In essence, outsourced software development teams help justify their costs by providing what, and when, is needed.

We’re your team of software developers

At SoftwareHut, we’re a team of 200+ experienced software developers, ready to deliver your project. With over 200 projects delivered for our clients, we know our craft when it comes to bespoke software development.

We’re an extended team, which means we can join your project at any time, working hand-in-hand with your in-house software developers. You don’t have a team? No worries, we take on entire projects, too.

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