3. Customer enablement project: Launching a new program

ClickUp’s LMS Administrator, is responsible for delivering a new initiative to give ClickUp customers a fun and interactive way to learn how to use ClickUp and maximize the features within the platform.

The Customer Enablement team, of which Robin is a member, launched Click Up University (CUU) in November 2021. The new program received an overwhelmingly positive response from Click Up users and ultimately gave the team the green light to launch another option to help further enhance user experience.

To accomplish this, she led the initiative to launch CUU Certificates—a program intended to recognize the ClickUp users’ product knowledge and reward them for completing the course exams.

The problem?

The biggest challenge for a project of this scale was managing across so many teams with competing priorities


Robin WisnerLMS Administrator, Customer Enablement at Click Up

The goal?

To delegate work effectively and launch the new certification program on time to provide a measurable process for customers to successfully onboard and enhance their experience as a Click Up user.

Here’s how Robin and the project team members made it happen:

Initiation phase

  • Identify the project: Launch and promote the new certification program 
  • Define the desired outcome: To collaborate with different teams to design and launch the new certification program.

Planning phase 

  • Project management methodology: Waterfall

Execution phase

Task checklist:

  • Outline objectives for each certification level and course in Click Up Docs
  • Develop beta test group and SOP for testing in Click Up Docs
  • Outline the diagram taxonomy and customer journey in Click Up Whiteboards
  • Create Click Up Tasks for content development and assign them to the designated team members 
  • Use the Click Up Form to submit a design request for the certificates
  • Submit a request to create a new help center overview article
  • Collaborate with the Dev Ops team to code and manage website design
  • Run tests with the beta test group and collect feedback 
  • Create internal and external enablement materials
  • Submit a request for marketing promotional materials 

Closing phase 

  • To finalize and close this project, the project stakeholders reviewed the creative designs and tested the website’s performance and user experience. The approval was given once project requirements are met. 

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